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Transient Analysis with Initial ConditionsContents

2.7.6 TransientPlot Options


As was shown previously, the function TransientPlot provides a convenient way for displaying results of NDAESolve or NDSolve computations. The appearance of TransientPlot graphics can be changed with the following set of options:

In[31]:= Options[TransientPlot]


Most options are standard options of Graphics objects. Therefore, we will restrict ourselves to the discussion of the remaining keywords Parametric, ShowSamplePoints, and SingleDiagram.


With Parametric -> True parametric plots of two interpolating functions can be displayed. In this case, TransientPlot requires a list of two display variables xvar and yvar, where xvar denotes the -axis variable and yvar the -axis variable. TransientPlot then shows a trace of the points {xvar[par], yvar[par]} as the parameter par is swept from to .

TransientPlot[numericaldata, xvar[par], yvar[par],

par, , , Parametric -> True]

The axes are automatically labeled by the specified variable names. As an example we perform a parametric plot of the transient response of the diode rectifier circuit introduced in Section 2.7.1 (see Figure 7.1).

In[32]:= TransientPlot[solutions, {V$1[t], V$2[t]},
{t, 10^-6, 10^-5}, Parametric -> True]



Changing the default setting of the option ShowSamplePoints from False to True allows for visualizing the sample points stored in InterpolatingFunction objects. By this, the variation of the step size in a computed interval can be observed. The simulation data is displayed via Mathematica's ListPlot.

In[33]:= TransientPlot[solutions, {V$1[t], V$2[t]},
{t, 0., 2.*10^-5}, ShowSamplePoints -> True]



With the option SingleDiagram you can choose whether to combine the traces of several interpolating functions in a single diagram or display them in a separate plot each. The default SingleDiagram -> True causes all traces to be combined. To display an array of plots use SingleDiagram -> False. Note that it is possible to generate not only plots of circuit variables, but also plots of expressions involving these variables. For example, the following graphics array contains a plot of the voltage across the capacitor Cload of the differential amplifier circuit from Section 2.7.2 (see Figure 7.2). The capacitor voltage is given by the difference of the node voltages V$5 and V$4.

In[34]:= TransientPlot[transient, {V$4[t], V$5[t] - V$4[t]},
{t, 0., 10^-5}, SingleDiagram -> False]


Transient Analysis with Initial ConditionsContents