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13.4.1 Internal Expression Access

The following functions are used to access the symbolic expressions that are generated by MechanicalSystems.

Functions to provide access to internally stored expressions.

Functions that return a model's dependent variables.

In all of these functions, the body number bnum can be a single positive integer, a list of integers, All, or Rest. The constraint number cnum can be a single positive integer constraint number, a list of integers, All, Euler, or any of the forms of partial constraint specifications accepted by Constraints.
The complete set of equations that are solved by the Static solution block is given by Transpose[Jacobian[_,_]].Generalized[_] Equal Loads[_]. The equations of motion that are solved by the Dynamic solution block are the Static equations with Centrifugal[_] + MassMatrix[_].Acceleration[_] added to the left-hand side.