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2.2.1 Points

The most basic geometric entity used by Mech is the point object. Point objects reference the location of a 2D or 3D point in global coordinates or in local coordinates on a specified body. Point objects may be given as 2D or 3D vectors, or they may have the head Point just like the built-in Mathematica graphics primitive. This does not lead to any conflict or require a redefinition of Point because it has no definition by default. The Point head is only used to hold its arguments in Mech, just as it is in standard Mathematica.
Any Mech function that calls for a point object accepts either of the following syntax.


Methods of defining 2D point objects.


Methods of defining 3D point objects.

Assuming that the appropriate body object definition has been made, any point on any body can be referenced through either its global coordinates, its local coordinates, or its local coordinate number. The following example shows several point objects that are functionally identical.

This loads the Modeler2D package.

Local points are defined on the ground body.

Here are three identical point specifications.