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Time Series (2011)

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1.4.2 Generating Time Series

Sometimes we may need to generate a time series {x1, x2, ... , xn} from a given process in order to explore it theoretically or gain intuition about it. The simplest time series is a sequence of independently and identically distributed (IID) random numbers. We can use the function
RandomSequence[,"""2", n]
to generate a sequence of n random numbers distributed according to the normal distribution with mean and variance 2.
It is usually a good idea to seed the random number generator using SeedRandom[seed] before generating any random numbers so the calculation can be repeated if necessary.
Note that we have used SeedRandom so the above series can be reproduced if so desired. We reiterate that the covariance matrix must be a symmetric, positive definite matrix. Otherwise no random numbers will be generated.
Internally, RandomSequence uses RandomReal to generate a univariate random sequence of length n. The current default random number generator is used. Sequences generated prior to Version 6.0 of Mathematica can be obtained by including the option LegacySequence→True.
We can similarly generate univariate random sequences according to the distributions of our choice. Please consult the Mathematica documentation for distributions included with Mathematica.
To generate a time series of length n, {x1, x2, ... , xn}, according to one of the models defined in earlier sections, we can use the function
TimeSeries[model, n].
It generates the series by iterating
The noise {zt} is generated from the normal distribution with zero mean and variance or covariance specified in model. For models with p≠0, p random numbers from the same distribution as the noise are used as the initial values {x-p+1, x-p+2, ... , x0}. We can also generate time series with specified initial values of the series using
and with a specified noise sequence {z-q+1, z-q+2, ... , zn} using
Note that both the p initial values and the noise sequence are enclosed in lists. For an m-variate series each xi or zi is a list of m numbers.
Like RandomSequence, TimeSeries uses the current default random number generator. Series generated prior to Version 6.0 of Mathematica can be obtained by including the option LegacySequence→True.
We can also generate a time series with a specified noise sequence.