MLReleaseUCS2LinkName (C Function)

MLReleaseUCS2LinkName has been replaced by WSReleaseUCS2LinkName.

void MLReleaseUCS2LinkName(MLINK l, const unsigned short *n, int v)

releases memory allocated by MLUCS2LinkName() to store the UCS2 encoded link name n, of length v.


  • The memory used to store the link name n must have been allocated by a call to MLUCS2LinkName().
  • MLReleaseUCS2LinkName() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.


Basic Examples  (1)

#include "mathlink.h"

/* A function for reading the name of a link */

void f(MLINK l)
    const unsigned short *name;
    int length;

    name = MLUCS2LinkName(l, &length);
    if(name == (const unsigned short *)0 || length == 0)
    { /* Unable to retrieve the link name */ }

    /* ... */

    MLReleaseUCS2LinkName(l, name, length);