Complex Visualization

The Wolfram Language provides visualization functions for creating plots of complex-valued data and functions to provide insight about the behavior of the complex components. The plots make use of the full symbolic capabilities and automated aesthetics of the system.

ComplexListPlot plot lists of complex numbers in the complex plane

ReImPlot plot the real and imaginary parts of a complex function over the reals

AbsArgPlot plot the absolute value and argument of a complex function over the reals

ReImStyle  ▪  ReImLabels

ComplexPlot use color to plot the phase and magnitude of a function

ComplexPlot3D use color and height to plot the phase and magnitude of a function

ComplexArrayPlot use color to plot the phase and magnitude of tabular values

ComplexContourPlot plot contours of a real function over the complexes

ComplexRegionPlot plot the complex region defined by inequalities

ComplexVectorPlot make a vector plot from a complex function

ComplexStreamPlot make a stream plot from a complex function

Iterated Maps & Fractals »

MandelbrotSetPlot  ▪  JuliaSetPlot