Tokens Related to the Insert Menu

The Wolfram Language allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard menu commandsas well as ones not accessible directly with the default front end menu configuration.

FrontEndTokenExecute execute a menu-like command specified by a front end token

"DuplicatePreviousInput" copy input from above

"DuplicatePreviousOutput" copy output from above

"SimilarCellBelow" create another cell with the same style

"MoveExpressionEnd" move to the end of the current subexpression

"Superscript" create a superscript from the selection

"Subscript" create a subscript from the selection

"Above" create an overscript from the selection

"Below" create an underscript from the selection

"Otherscript" move to the opposite script position

"InsertMatchingBrackets" insert a pair of brackets

"InsertMatchingBraces" insert a pair of braces

"InsertMatchingParentheses" insert a pair of parentheses

"Fraction" create a fraction from the selection

"Radical" create a square root from the selection

"CreateInlineCell" create a new inline cell

"MoveNextCell" end an inline cell

"NudgeLeft" shift the selection one point left

"NudgeRight" shift the selection one point right

"NudgeDown" shift the selection one point down

"NudgeUp" shift the selection one point up

"RemoveAdjustments" restore the selection to the normal position

"NewRow" add a new row to a grid

"NewColumn" add a new column to a grid

"MakeSelectionSpan" make the selection span a grid

"MakeSelectionNotSpan" make the selection not span a grid

"FileNameDialog" open a dialog to insert a file path

"ImportPictures" open the Insert Picture dialog

"Import" open the Insert File dialog