WSGetReal32Array (C Function)

int WSGetReal32Array(WSLINK link,float **a,int **dims,char ***heads,int *d)

gets an array of single-precision floating-point numbers from the WSTP connection specified by link, storing the array in a, its dimensions in dims and its depth in d.


  • The array a is laid out in memory like a C array declared as .
  • heads gives a list of character strings corresponding to the names of symbols that appear as heads at each level in the array.
  • WSGetReal32Array() allocates memory which must be disowned by calling WSReleaseReal32Array(). If WSGetReal32Array() fails and the function's return value indicates an error, do not call WSReleaseReal32Array()on the contents of a.
  • WSGetReal32Array() returns immutable data.
  • WSGetReal32Array() returns 0 in the event of an error, and a nonzero value if the function succeeds.
  • Use WSError() to retrieve the error code if WSGetReal32Array() fails.
  • WSGetReal32Array() is declared in the WSTP header file wstp.h.


Basic Examples  (1)

#include "wstp.h"

/* read an array of single-precision floating-point numbers from a link */

void f(WSLINK lp)
    float *data;
    int *dims;
    char **heads;
    int d;

    if(! WSGetReal32Array(lp, &data, &dims, &heads, &d))
            /* unable to read the array from lp */

    /* ... */

    WSReleaseReal32Array(lp, data, dims, heads, d);