

  • This message is generated when symbols with the same name occur in more than one context and both contexts are in the context search path.
  • This message occurs most often when loading packages that introduce symbols with the same names as symbols that have already been entered or that have been introduced by other packages.
  • If symbols with the same name exist in more than one context, the name will refer to the symbol that occurs first in the context search path. Any symbol can be accessed by entering the full context name of the symbol.
  • Unwanted symbols can be removed using Remove.
  • The contexts in the context search path are determined by $Context and $ContextPath.
  • Off[message] switches off the message; On[message] switches it on. For example: Off[General::shdw].


Basic Examples  (1)

The symbol NewFunction is created in more than one context:

The symbol from the package context can be accessed by including the context with the name of the symbol:

Without the context name, the symbol from the package and the definition from the package will not be used:

The symbol from Global` context can be removed using Remove:

Now the symbol from the package can be accessed without including the context name:

Remove the test file: