Configure VNC for a Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud Instance on Amazon Web Services

In order to access the GUI for a Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud (EPC) instance installed on Amazon Web Services, you need to configure the preinstalled VNC hosting application vncserver.

SSH into your EPC instance

Using SSH, connect to your EPC instancefor example:


Run the VNC server for the first time

When you run the VNC server for the first time, you can use the default password cloud:

If you want to change the VNC password, run vncpasswd to set it:

$ vncpasswd

Set the interface resolution

Set the interface resolution appropriate for your display:

$ vncserver -geometry 1600x900

Find your VNC port number

Search files in .vnc to find the VNC port number:

Connect to the EPC graphical interface

Using the port number from the previous step, open your VNC client and connect to your EPC using IP:port, where IP is the public IP of the EPC:

  • If at this point you are unable to connect, contact and provide them with the public IP address being used to connect to EPC via the VNC client.


Information about vncserver can be found at