Link to webpages and other notebooks.

To a Webpage Using a Keyboard Shortcut...

Highlight an object or a piece of text and choose Insert Hyperlink (). Type the URL in the box and click Apply:

  • The hyperlink dialog creates links to local files by default. External web links must always begin with http://.
  • Any text, graphics or other expression can be a hyperlink.
  • All links are formatted with TemplateBox[{HTTPS, {URL[], None},, HyperlinkActionRecycled, {HyperlinkActive}, BaseStyle -> {Hyperlink}, HyperlinkAction -> Recycled}, HyperlinkTemplate].

To a Notebook Using a Keyboard Shortcut...

Highlight an object or a piece of text and choose Insert Hyperlink (). Choose the local file tab, click the magnifying glass icon to browse, select a file and click Apply:

To a Webpage Programmatically...

Make a hyperlink to the Wolfram home page with the label "Wolfram":

  • If you omit the label argument, the label will be the link itself.
  • Hyperlink creates links to local files by default. External web links must always begin with http://.

To a Notebook Programmatically...

Make a hyperlink to a notebook with the label "Shakespeare":

  • Use Insert File Path to insert the name of a file using a file browser.

To a Cloud Notebook Programmatically...

Make a hyperlink to a cloud notebook with the label "Weather":

Interactively browse for a local notebook with SystemDialogInput["FileOpen"]:

Using the Menu...

Highlight a piece of text and choose Insert Hyperlink. Enter a URI and click OK:

  • The Insert Hyperlink dialog creates web links only, automatically prepending http:// as needed.

To a Webpage Programmatically...

Make a hyperlink to the Wolfram home page with the label "Wolfram":

  • If you omit the label argument, the label will be the link itself.
  • Hyperlink creates links to local files by default. External web links must always begin with http://.

To a Cloud Notebook Programmatically...

Make a hyperlink to a cloud notebook with the label "Weather":

To a Webpage Programmatically...

Make a hyperlink to the Wolfram home page with the label "Wolfram":

  • If you omit the label argument, the label will be the link itself.
  • Hyperlink creates links to local files by default. External web links must always begin with http://.

To a Cloud Notebook Programmatically...

Make a hyperlink to a cloud notebook with the label "Weather":