
Click a graphic

Click a graphic to select it. The selection highlight has drag handles:

Drag a drag handle to resize

Drag a drag handle to resize the graphic:

  • Press while dragging to change the aspect ratio of a graphic.


Specify the size of graphics output with the ImageSize option:

  • To make an explicitly sized graphic standard size, right-click the graphic and select Make Standard Size.


Click a graphic

Click a graphic to select it. The selection highlight has drag handles:

Drag a drag handle to resize

Drag a drag handle to resize the graphic:

  • Press while dragging to change the aspect ratio of a graphic.


Specify the size of graphics output with the ImageSize option:

  • To make an explicitly sized graphic standard size, right-click the graphic and select Make Standard Size.


A graphic with the default ImageSizeAutomatic will automatically resize when it is pasted into an expression. To prevent a graphic from auto-resizing, set its ImageSize option to an explicit value.