Upgrading from:


All the functionality of NumericalMath`OrderStar` is now available in the newly created Function Approximations Package.
OrderStar has been renamed OrderStarPlot.
OrderStarSubPlots has been replaced with ContourPlot options such as MaxRecursion.

To access functionality from the new Function Approximations Package, load FunctionApproximations`:

Version 5.2 << NumericalMath`OrderStar`;
OrderStar[Pade[Sinh[z - 1], {z, 0, 3, 3}], Sinh[z - 1], 
 OrderStarLegend -> {{.6, .6}, {.98, .98}}, 
 TextStyle -> {"FontSize" -> 6}, OrderStarSymbolSize -> 0.02]

The default settings of the options MaxRecursion and PlotPoints, which are passed to ContourPlot, have replaced the need for the Version 5.2 option OrderStarSubPlots. They allow fine features to be resolved without needing to specify where refinement needs to be carried out.

Version 5.2 OrderStar[Pade[Log[1 + z], {z, 1, 3, 2}], Log[1 + z], 
 OrderStarKind -> Second, PlotPoints -> 50, 
 PlotRange -> {{-.5, 2}, {-1, 1}}, 
 OrderStarSubPlots -> {{PlotRange -> {{0.9, 1.1}, {-0.1, 0.1}}, 
    PlotPoints -> {20, 20}}}]
Function Approximations Package

Many functions from NumericalMath`OrderStar` are now found in the Function Approximations Package:

OrderStarInterpolation OrderStarKind OrderStarLegend OrderStarPoles OrderStarPlot OrderStarSymbolSize OrderStarSymbolThickness OrderStarZeros