J/Link User Guide

Calling Java from the Wolfram Language

J/Link Basics

Advanced Topics in J/Link

The Java Console Window

Using JavaBeans

Hosting Applets

Periodical Tasks

Ragged Arrays

Implementing a Java Interface with Wolfram Language Code

Example Programs

Writing Java Programs That Use the Wolfram Language


What Is WSTP?

Overview of the Main J/Link Interfaces and Classes

Sample Program

Creating Links with MathLinkFactory

The MathLink Interface

The KernelLink Interface

Sending Computations and Reading Results

Handling MathLinkExceptions

Graphics and Typeset Output

Aborting and Interrupting Computations

Using Marks

Using Loopback Links

Using Expr Objects

Threads, Blocking, and Yielding

Sending Object References to the Wolfram Language

Some Special User Interface Classes

Writing Applets