.NET/Link API Version 1.7 USE FRAMES

IKernelLink Members

IKernelLink overview

Public Instance Properties

GraphicsFormat Gets or sets the format in which Mathematica graphics will be rendered.
LastError Gets the Exception object that represents any exception detected during the last call of one of the "EvaluateTo" methods (EvaluateToInputForm, EvaluateToOutputForm, EvaluateToImage, EvaluateToTypeset).
TypesetStandardForm Gets or sets whether images created by the EvaluateToTypeset method should use Mathematica StandardForm (vs. TraditionalForm).
UseFrontEnd Gets or sets whether the Mathematica notebook front end should be used in the background to assist in rendering graphics.
WasInterrupted Tells whether the user has attempted to abort the computation.

Public Instance Methods

AbandonEvaluation Causes any method that is blocking waiting for output from the kernel to return immediately and throw a MathLinkException.
AbortEvaluation Sends a request to the kernel to abort the current evaluation.
BeginManual Informs .NET/Link that your code will be manually sending a result back to Mathematica.
EnableObjectReferences Call this method to enable the ability to pass .NET objects "by reference" to Mathematica.
EvaluateOverloaded. Sends code for evaluation.
EvaluateToImageOverloaded. Sends graphics or plotting code for evaluation and returns the result as an Image object.
EvaluateToInputFormOverloaded. Sends code for evaluation and returns the result as a string formatted in Mathematica InputForm.
EvaluateToOutputFormOverloaded. Sends code for evaluation and returns the result as a string formatted in Mathematica OutputForm.
EvaluateToTypesetOverloaded. Sends code for evaluation and returns the result formatted in typeset form as an Image object.
GetArrayOverloaded. Reads an array of the specified type and depth. Overrides the IMathLink version by allowing you to specify an object type as the leaf type of the array.
GetExpressionType Gives the type of the current element in the expression currently being read. Overrides the IMathLink method by allowing the extra return type ExpressionType.Object.
GetNextExpressionType Gives the type of the next element in the expression currently being read. Overrides the IMathLink method by allowing the extra return type ExpressionType.Object.
GetObject Reads any single expression off the link and returns an appropriate object. Overrides the IMathLink version to allow you to read NETObject expressions.
HandlePacket Call this to invoke .NET/Link's internal handling of special packet types.
InterruptEvaluation Sends a request to the kernel to interrupt the current evaluation.
Message Prints the specified message in the user's Mathematica session.
OnPacketArrived Raises the PacketArrived event.
Print Prints the specified text in the user's Mathematica session.
Put Sends an object, including strings and arrays. Overrides the IMathLink version to allow you to send objects "by reference" that have no meaningful value representation in Mathematica.
PutReferenceOverloaded. Sends an object to Mathematica "by reference".
TerminateKernel Sends a request to the kernel to shut down.
WaitAndDiscardAnswer Reads and discards all packets from a computation, including the result.
WaitForAnswer Reads and discards all packets that arrive up until the packet that contains the result of the computation.

Public Instance Events

PacketArrived Occurs when a MathLink packet arrives.

See Also

IKernelLink Interface | Wolfram.NETLink Namespace | MathLinkFactory | IMathLink