
The NotebookML format is no longer supported.


converts expr to NotebookML and returns the corresponding SymbolicXML.

Details and Options

  • To use NotebookToSymbolicNotebookML, you first need to load the XML Package using Needs["XML`"].
  • When exporting GIF images for BoxData or GraphicsData, you need to have a filename for naming them. Control this with the "FileName" option. By default, GIF images are saved with the name "temp_N.gif" (where N is a sequential number).
  • The following options can be given:
  • "Annotations"{"XMLDeclaration", "DOCTYPEDeclaration", "StyleAdvisories", "DocumentHeader"}annotations to add to the output (acceptable values are combinations of "DocumentHeader", "XMLDeclaration", "DOCTYPEDeclaration", and "StyleAdvisories")
    "GraphicsFormats"{Automatic}how to export graphics data
    "BoxFormats"{Automatic}how to export box data
    "StyleSheets"{}specify a stylesheet (CSS or XSLT) for the notebook
    "FileName""temp.xml"default filename for exported images
    "FilesDirectory""NBMLFiles"default directory for exported images


Basic Examples  (1)

Here BoxData is exported as a GIF image. The autogenerated file name for the GIF image is in the "src" attribute:

Use "FilesDirectory" and "FileName" to change the directory and name of the image file: