[Right-click] Get Coordinates

Get Coordinates

displays the approximate coordinate values of the mouse position.


  • To get coordinates, select a graphic and choose Get Coordinates from the contextual menu. Then click at any position on the graphic to mark additional coordinates.
  • TemplateBox[{cmd}, Key0, BaseStyle -> {2ColumnTableMod, FontWeight -> Plain, FontFamily -> Source Sans Pro}]clickdelete markers
    TemplateBox[{cmd, c}, Key1, BaseStyle -> {2ColumnTableMod, FontWeight -> Plain, FontFamily -> Source Sans Pro}]copy marked coordinates to the clipboard
    TemplateBox[{cmd, v}, Key1, BaseStyle -> {2ColumnTableMod, FontWeight -> Plain, FontFamily -> Source Sans Pro}]paste the copied coordinate values into an input cell
  • You can use TemplateBox[{cmd}, Key0, BaseStyle -> {Notes, FontWeight -> Plain, FontFamily -> Source Sans Pro}]drag to mark a rectangle and TemplateBox[{cmd, c}, Key1, BaseStyle -> {Notes, FontWeight -> Plain, FontFamily -> Source Sans Pro}] to copy the coordinates of the opposite corners.
  • Get Coordinates can be found in the contextual menus for images, 2D graphics, and graphics objects.