Mounting a CD or DVD on Linux
When installing MathLM and the Wolfram System on a Linux system, you may need to mount the CD or DVD. The Wolfram System is available for Linux on DVD. MathLM is available for Linux platforms on CD.
On most Linux platforms, there is a daemon running in the background that will automatically mount the CD/DVD. For systems that do not have such a daemon, you must mount the CD/DVD manually. You may need root privileges in order to give the mount command.
The following are typical mount commands for various systems. The name of the device representing the CD/DVD is different on different systems. To determine the device name, consult the documentation for your platform. In the following commands, the CD/DVD mount point (represented by
) could be different for your platform. Common CD mount points are /cdrom and /mnt/cdrom and common DVD mount points are /dvdrom and /mnt/dvdrom.

If the file names on the CD/DVD appear in the wrong case, it means the CD/DVD is mounted incorrectly.
On some Linux systems, the CD/DVD may be mounted automatically with the noexec option. This prevents binaries on the disc from being executed and may cause "Permission denied" messages to appear during installation. The solution for this issue is to unmount the CD/DVD using umount
and then manually remount the disc using the appropriate command shown in the table.