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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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 Documentation /  Mathematica Teacher's Edition /  The Teacher's Book /  Basic Calculations /  Input and Output in Notebooks /

11.1 Entering Greek Letters

Ways to enter Greek letters in a notebook.

Here is a palette for entering common Greek letters.

You can use Greek letters just like the ordinary letters that you type on your keyboard.

In[1]:= Expand[(Alpha + Beta)^3]


There are several ways to enter Greek letters. This input uses full names.

In[2]:= Expand[(\[Alpha] + \[Beta])^3]


Commonly used Greek letters. In aliases stands for the key . aliases are not listed explicitly.

Note that in Mathematica TE the letter stands for Pi. None of the other Greek letters have special meanings.

stands for Pi.

In[3]:= N[Pi]


You can use Greek letters either on their own or with other letters.

In[4]:= Expand[(RAlpha Beta + CapitalXi)^4]


The symbol is not related to the symbol .

In[5]:= Factor[Pi Alpha^4 - 1]
