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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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 Documentation /  Mathematica Teacher's Edition /  The Teacher's Book /  Interlude 1: Lists /

12.9 Grouping and Ungrouping Elements of Lists

Functions for grouping and ungrouping elements of lists.

Here is a list.

In[1]:= t = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g};

This groups the elements of the list in pairs, and in this case throws away the single element that is left at the end.

In[2]:= Partition[t, 2]


This groups elements in triples. There is no overlap between the triples.

In[3]:= Partition[t, 3]


This makes triples of elements, with each successive triple offset by just one element.

In[4]:= Partition[t, 3, 1]


Here is a triply nested array.

In[5]:= u = {{{a, b}, {c, d}}, {{e, f}, {g, h}}};

This "flattens out" sublists. You can think of it as effectively removing the inner sets of braces.

In[6]:= Flatten[u]


This flattens only the first level of sublists.

In[7]:= Flatten[u, 1]


This flattens each sublist on the first level.

In[8]:= Map[Flatten, u]


You should realize that because of the way Mathematica TE stores lists, it is usually less efficient to add a sequence of elements to a particular list than to create a nested structure that consists, for example, of lists of length 2 at each level. When you have built up such a structure, you can always reduce it to a single list using Flatten.

This sets up a nested list structure for w.

In[9]:= w = {0}; Do[ w = {w, k^2}, {k, 1, 4} ]; w


You can use Flatten to unravel the structure.

In[10]:= Flatten[w]


Other Mathematica functions related to lists. (See Section 3.2.)