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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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 Documentation /  Mathematica Teacher's Edition /  The Teacher's Book /  Basic Calculations /  Numerical Calculations /

2.2 Exact and Approximate Results

A standard electronic calculator does all your calculations to a particular accuracy, say ten decimal digits. With Mathematica TE, however, you can often get exact results.

Mathematica TE gives an exact result for , even though it has 31 decimal digits.

In[1]:= 2 ^ 100


You can tell Mathematica TE to give you an approximate numerical result, just as a calculator would, by putting N[ ] around your input. The N stands for "numerical". It must be a capital letter.

This gives an approximate numerical result.

In[2]:= N[ 2 ^ 100 ]


Mathematica TE can give results in terms of rational numbers.

In[3]:= 1/3 + 2/7


N always gives the approximate numerical result.

In[4]:= N[ 1/3 + 2/7 ]


Getting numerical approximations.

When you type in an integer like 7, Mathematica TE assumes that it is exact. If you type in a number like 4.5, with an explicit decimal point, Mathematica TE assumes that it is accurate only to a fixed number of decimal places.

This is taken to be an exact rational number, and reduced to its lowest terms.

In[5]:= 452/62


Whenever you give a number with an explicit decimal point, Mathematica TE produces an approximate numerical result.

In[6]:= 452.3/62


Here again, the presence of the decimal point makes Mathematica TE give you an approximate numerical result.

In[7]:= 452./62


When any number in an arithmetic expression is given with an explicit decimal point, you get an approximate numerical result for the whole expression.

In[8]:= 1. + 452/62
