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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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4.3 Elementary Transcendental Functions

Mathematical functions in Mathematica TE are given names according to definite rules. As with most Mathematica TE functions, the names are usually complete English words, fully spelled out. For a few very common functions, Mathematica TE uses the traditional abbreviations. Thus the tangent function, for example, is Tan, not Tangent.

Trigonometric functions.

The arguments of trigonometric functions are always given in radians.

In[1]:= Sin[Pi/2]


You can convert from degrees by explicitly multiplying by the constant Degree.

In[2]:= N[ Sin[30 Degree] ]


Logarithms and exponential functions.

Mathematica TE gives exact results for logarithms whenever it can. Here is .

In[3]:= Log[2, 1024]


You can find the numerical values of mathematical functions to any precision.

In[4]:= N[Log[2], 40]


Hyperbolic functions.

Here is a plot of the hyperbolic tangent function. It has a characteristic "sigmoidal" form.

In[5]:= Plot[ Tanh[x], {x, -8, 8} ]
