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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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 Documentation /  Mathematica Teacher's Edition /  The Teacher's Book /  Basic Calculations /  Plotting Curves /

8.2 Parametric Plots

Section 8.1 described how to plot curves in Mathematica TE in which you give the coordinate of each point as a function of the coordinate. You can also use Mathematica TE to make parametric plots. In a parametric plot, you give both the and coordinates of each point as a function of a third parameter, say .

Functions for generating parametric plots.

Here is the curve made by taking the coordinate of each point to be Sin[t] and the coordinate to be Sin[2t].

In[1]:= ParametricPlot[{Sin[t], Sin[2t]}, {t, 0, 2Pi}]


The "shape" of the curve produced depends on the ratio of height to width for the whole plot.

In[2]:= ParametricPlot[{Sin[t], Cos[t]}, {t, 0, 2Pi}]


Setting the option AspectRatio to Automatic makes Mathematica TE preserve the "true shape" of the curve, as defined by the actual coordinate values it involves.

In[3]:= Show[%, AspectRatio -> Automatic]
