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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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 Documentation /  Mathematica Teacher's Edition /  The Teacher's Book /  Front Matter /  Tour of Mathematica /

Tour of Mathematica


This section gives a tour of some of the main features of Mathematica TE. The intention is to show you some of the things you can do with Mathematica TE once you have learned to use it. In some cases, however, you may nevertheless be able to take examples from this section, and immediately adapt them for your own calculations. But in most cases you will have to read at least some of Part 1 before getting started with your own calculations in Mathematica TE.
In becoming acquainted with Mathematica TE, you may find it useful to type some of the examples from this section into your computer. What you should type in is the text that follows each In[n]:= label. Be sure that you type the text exactly as it appears in the book. Do not change capitalization, types of brackets, etc. Section 3.4 gives more information about reproducing the examples.