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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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Numerical Calculations

You can do arithmetic with Mathematica TE just as you would on a calculator. You type the input 5 + 7; Mathematica TE prints the result 12.

In[1]:= 5 + 7


Unlike a calculator, however, Mathematica TE can give you exact results. Here is the exact result for . The ^ is the Mathematica TE notation for raising to a power.

In[2]:= 3 ^ 100


You can use the Mathematica TE function N to get approximate numerical results. The % stands for the last result. The answer is given in scientific notation.

In[3]:= N[%]


You can find numerical results to any degree of precision. This calculates to 50 digits of precision.

In[4]:= N[ Sqrt[10], 50 ]


Mathematica TE can evaluate all standard mathematical functions. Here is the value of the cosine function at 2.5.

In[5]:= Cos[2.5]


Here is a root of near .

In[6]:= FindRoot[Sin[ 2^x ], {x, 2}]


You can calculate mathematical functions to any precision. This gives to 40 digits.

In[7]:= N[ Log[10, 13], 40 ]


Mathematica TE can do many kinds of exact computations with integers. The integer 70612139395722186 factors as .

In[8]:= FactorInteger[ 70612139395722186 ]


Mathematica TE can also handle complex numbers. Here is . In Mathematica TE, I or ImaginaryI stands for the imaginary number .

In[9]:= (3 + 4 I) ^ 10


You can find a local minimum of near . The function has a minimum, given by the first number, when takes the value to the right of the arrow.

In[10]:= FindMinimum[Sin[ 2^x ], {x, 2}]


You can do numerical integrals. Here is the numerical value of .

In[11]:= NIntegrate[ Sin[Sin[x]], {x, 0, Pi} ]
