This Finance`Options` subpackage contains tools to compute options using the Black-Scholes model.
This loads the Options subpackage.
In[1]:=<< Finance`Options`
Here are the basic option functions.
Delta Norm
Elasticity Option
HistoricalVolatility Rho
ImpliedVolatility Theta

An option object.
This is a put option for an asset named XYZ that expires on December 20, 1992 with an exercise (or striking) price of 40.
In[3]:=xyzft = Option[{"Put", XYZ, 40, {12, 20, 1992}}]
However, we have to remember that an option is a derivative security and we need to specify the price and volatility of the underlying asset.
In[4]:=(Price[XYZ] ^= 40; Volatility[XYZ] ^= 3/10;)
We also have to define the riskless interest rate.
In[5]:=r = 12/100
We define the settlement date to be August 20, 1992.
In[6]:=settlement = {8, 20, 1992}
This is a call option for an asset named ABC. The striking price is 40 and the expiration date is December 19, 1992.
In[7]:=abcft = Option[{"Call", ABC, 40, {12, 19, 1992}}]
This time we specify the volatility but not the price of the underlying asset.
In[8]:=Volatility[ABC] = 3/10

A basic function.
We compute the value of xyzft given the riskless interest rate r = 12%. Mathematica gives us an exact result.
In[9]:=val1 = Value[xyzft, settlement, r]
Here is a numerical approximation.
Another way to get an approximation is to write one of the arguments with a decimal point.
In[11]:=Value[xyzft, settlement, .12]
We define an option's value as a function of two variables, the price of the underlying asset x and the time to maturity t.
In[12]:=optionvalue[x_, t_] = Value[abcft, ToCalendar[ToJulian[settlement] + Floor[t]], r] /. Price[ABC] -> x;
This illustrates how the graph of the option value changes as the time to maturity varies.
In[13]:=Plot[Evaluate[Table[optionvalue[x, t], {t, 0, 120, 10}]], {x, 25, 45}, PlotLabel -> " Call Option Value\nfor Different Maturities", FrameLabel -> {"Stock Price", ""}];

Here is the equivalent three-dimensional graph.
In[14]:=Plot3D[optionvalue[x, t], {x, 25, 55}, {t, 0, 120}, AxesLabel->{"Stock Price", "Time", "Option \nValue "}];

Sensitivity measures functions.
Here is the analytical expression for the delta of the put option xyzft.
In[15]:=Delta[xyzft, settlement, r]
This is a numerical approximation.
We define the delta of the option abxft as a function of two variables, x and t, the price of the underlying asset and the time to maturity, respectively.
In[17]:=optiondelta[x_, t_] = Delta[abcft, ToCalendar[ToJulian[settlement] + Floor[t]], r] /. Price[ABC] -> x;
This illustrates how the graph of the option delta changes as the time to maturity varies.
In[18]:=Plot[Evaluate[Table[optiondelta[x, j], {j, 0, 120, 10}]], {x, 25, 45}, PlotLabel -> " Call Option Delta\nfor Different Maturities", FrameLabel -> {"Stock Price", ""}];

Here is the equivalent three-dimensional graph.
In[19]:=Plot3D[optiondelta[x, t], {x, 25, 55}, {t, 0, 120}, AxesLabel->{"Stock Price", "Time", "Option \nDelta"}];

Here is the analytical expression for the theta of the put option xyzft.
In[20]:=Theta[xyzft, settlement, r]
This is a numerical approximation.
We define the theta of the option abcft as a function of two variables, x and t, the price of the underlying asset and the time to maturity, respectively.
In[22]:=optiontheta[x_, t_] = Theta[abcft, ToCalendar[ToJulian[settlement] + Floor[t]], r] /. Price[ABC] -> x;
This illustrates how the graph of the option theta changes as the time to maturity varies.
In[23]:=Plot[Evaluate[Table[optiontheta[x, j], {j, 0, 110, 10}]], {x, 25, 45}, PlotLabel -> " Call Option Theta\nfor Different Maturities", FrameLabel -> {"Stock Price", ""}];

Here is the equivalent three-dimensional graph.
In[24]:=Plot3D[optiontheta[x, t], {x, 25, 55}, {t, 0, 110}, AxesLabel->{"Stock Price", "Time", "Option \nTheta"}];

Here is the analytical expression for the gamma of the put option xyzft.
In[25]:=Gamma[xyzft, settlement, r]
This is a numerical approximation.
We define the gamma of the option abcft as a function of two variables, x and t, the price of the underlying asset and the time to maturity, respectively.
In[27]:=optiongamma[x_, t_] = Gamma[abcft, ToCalendar[ToJulian[settlement] + Floor[t]], r] /. Price[ABC] -> x;
This illustrates how the graph of the option gamma changes as the time to maturity varies.
In[28]:=Plot[Evaluate[Table[optiongamma[x, j], {j, 0, 110, 10}]], {x, 25, 45}, PlotLabel -> " Call Option Gamma\nfor Different Maturities", FrameLabel -> {"Stock Price", ""}];

Here is the equivalent three-dimensional graph.
In[29]:=Plot3D[optiongamma[x, t], {x, 25, 55}, {t, 0, 110}, AxesLabel->{"Stock Price", "Time", "Option Gamma"}];

Here is the analytical expression for the rho of the put option xyzft.
In[30]:=Rho[xyzft, settlement, r]
This is a numerical approximation.
We define the rho of the option abcft as a function of two variables, x and t, the price of the underlying asset and the time to maturity, respectively.
In[32]:=optionrho[x_, t_] = Rho[abcft, ToCalendar[ToJulian[settlement] + Floor[t]], r] /. Price[ABC] -> x;
This illustrates how the graph of the option rho changes as the time to maturity varies.
In[33]:=Plot[Evaluate[Table[optionrho[x, j], {j, 0, 120, 10}]], {x, 25, 45}, PlotLabel -> " Call Option Rho\nfor Different Maturities", FrameLabel -> {"Stock Price", ""}];

Here is the equivalent three-dimensional graph.
In[34]:=Plot3D[optionrho[x, t], {x, 25, 55}, {t, 0, 110}, AxesLabel->{"Stock Price", "Time", "Option \nRho"}];

Here is the analytical expression for the lambda of the put option xyzft. Kappa, vega, and epsilon are sometimes used instead of lambda.
In[35]:=Lambda[xyzft, settlement, r]
This is a numerical approximation.
We define the lambda of the option abcft as a function of two variables, x and t, the price of the underlying asset and the time to maturity, respectively.
In[37]:=optionlambda[x_, t_] = Lambda[abcft, ToCalendar[ToJulian[settlement] + Floor[t]], r] /. Price[ABC] -> x;
This illustrates how the graph of the option lambda changes as the time to maturity varies.
In[38]:=Plot[Evaluate[Table[optionlambda[x, t], {t, 0, 110, 10}]], {x, 25, 45}, PlotLabel -> " Call Option Lambda\nfor Different maturities", FrameLabel -> {"Stock Price", ""}];

Here is the equivalent three-dimensional graph.
In[39]:=Plot3D[optionlambda[x, t], {x, 25, 55}, {t, 0, 110}, AxesLabel->{"Stock Price", "Time", "Option \nLambda"}];

Here is the analytical expression for the elasticity of the put option xyzft.
In[40]:=Elasticity[xyzft, settlement, r]
This is a numerical approximation.
We define the elasticity of the option abcft as a function of two variables, x and t, the price of the underlying asset and the time to maturity, respectively.
In[42]:=optionelasticity[x_, t_] = Elasticity[abcft, ToCalendar[ToJulian[settlement] + Floor[t]], r] /. Price[ABC] -> x;
This illustrates how the graph of the option elasticity changes as the time to maturity varies.
In[43]:=Plot[Evaluate[Table[optionelasticity[x, t], {t, 0, 100, 10}]], {x, 25, 45}, PlotLabel -> "Call Option Elasticity\n"<> "for Different Maturities", FrameLabel -> {"Stock Price", ""}];

Here is the equivalent three-dimensional graph.
In[44]:=Plot3D[optionelasticity[x, t], {x, 25, 55}, {t, 0, 100}, AxesLabel->{"Stock Price", "Time", "Option \nElasticity"}];

Implied volatility function.
This calculates the implied volatility.
In[45]:=ImpliedVolatility[xyzft, settlement, r, val1]

Auxiliary functions.
To use the Black-Scholes model we need to know the underlying asset's volatility. The function HistoricalVolatility computes the maximum likelihood estimate of the asset's volatility given a list of past prices.
We read in the prices for one year of IBM stock from the file IBM-90.prc as pairs {date, price}.
In[46]:=prices[IBM] ^= Last[Transpose[ReadList[ ToFileName[{"Finance", "Data"}, "IBM-90.prc"], {Number, Number}]]];
Here is the graph of IBM's prices.
In[47]:=ListPlot[prices[IBM], PlotJoined -> True];

Now we compute the maximum likelihood estimate for IBM's stock volatility. This is the daily volatility since we used daily stock prices.
To get an estimate of the yearly volatility we multiply by the square root of the number of days in a year. Usually we only take the number of trading days, which is about 250.
In[49]:=% Sqrt[250.]
The cumulative normal distribution is often used in modern finance and especially in the context of option pricing. Here is the graph of the cumulative standard normal distribution function.
In[50]:=Plot[Norm[x], {x, -5, 5}];

Its derivative with respect to x is indeed the standard normal distribution.
In[51]:=D[Norm[x], x]
Here is the graph of the standard normal distribution.
In[52]:=Plot[Evaluate[D[Norm[x], x]], {x, -5, 5}];
