1.3.3 Compatibility
To realize the improvements made in version 2 of Analog Insydes, drastic changes on the internal data format had to be performed, such that we could not keep 100% compatibility with version 1. As a consequence, version 1 notebooks may not evaluate without errors using Analog Insydes 2. But fortunately, only some minor changes (like modifying function arguments) are usually sufficient to evaluate with version 2. These changes are listed below.
altered pattern according to ApproximateTransferFunction
former option PrintProtocol now called Protocol, option values changed
option DefaultModelLibrary now called ModelLibrary
option DifferentialOperator now called FrequencyVariable
option setting SparseTableauVariant -> Basic | Extended now obtained by Formulation -> SparseTableau | ExtendedTableau
option setting SymbolicValues -> True | False now obtained by ElementValues -> Symbolic | Value
option setting TimeDomain -> True | False now obtained by AnalysisMode -> Transient | AC
option UnitValues is obsolete
former command CSDFRead substituted by new implementation called ReadSimulationData
option FillColor now called FillColors, option values modified
options LineThickness, LineAbsoluteThickness, PolylineWidthScale, PrimitivesOut, TextOffsetX, TextOffsetY, and TextAlignBottom are obsolete
former command NDAESolveDC substituted by additional pattern for NDAESolve
option AnalysisMethod now called AnalysisMode
modified values for option Protocol
modified values for options PoleStyle and ZeroStyle
former command SolveCircuitEquations substituted by Solve
spice2ai.exe, SpiceToAI, WhereIsSpice2ai
former external executable spice2ai.exe and wrapper function SpiceToAI substituted by new implementation ReadNetlist
options Spice2aiOptions and Spice2aiPath are obsolete
command WhereIsSpice2ai is obsolete
CheckedCircuit, CheckedNetlist, FlatNetlist
replaced by NetlistObject[Checked | Flat]