3.6.1 AddElements
Command structure of AddElements.
Given a Netlist or Circuit object, AddElements adds a new netlist element to the top-level netlist or to subcircuits defined in the circuit and returns the new Netlist or Circuit object, respectively. The subcircuits are given by means of the subcircuit specification subcirspec which is a sequence of rules of the following form:
Possible subcircuit specifications.
The new netlist element is added to all subcircuits, whose Name and Selector fields match the string pattern given by the subcircuit specification.
Note that there is no check whether the returned circuit defines a valid netlist.
See also: DeleteElements, GetElements.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Define a simple voltage divider circuit.
In[2]:= net = Netlist[ {V0, {1, 0}, V0}, {R1, {1, 2}, R1}, {R2, {2, 0}, R2} ]
Add a load resistance to the voltage divider.
In[3]:= netload = AddElements[net, {Rload, {2, 0}, Rload}]
Display new netlist.
In[4]:= DisplayForm[netload]