3.14.4 ModelLibrary
With the option ModelLibrary, you can specify the names of the files or contexts searched by ExpandSubcircuits for device model definitions during netlist expansion. Possible values are:
Values for the ModelLibrary option.
Analog Insydes provides the following semiconductor device model libraries:
Analog Insydes device model libraries.
The default setting is ModelLibrary -> "FullModels`", which applies the full-precision SPICE device models.
See also: LibraryPath, CircuitEquations, Chapter 3.3, Chapter 4.3.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[3]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Use basic models for all semiconductor devices.
In[4]:= SetOptions[AnalogInsydes, ModelLibrary -> "BasicModels`"]
The fact that library files are searched in the given order and the way in which the Analog Insydes model library is organized allow you to change the default model complexity setting for a particular device type by using the ModelLibrary option as follows.
Use full-precision models for diodes and basic models for all other devices.
In[5]:= SetOptions[AnalogInsydes, ModelLibrary -> {"FullDiodeModels`", "BasicModels`"}]