3.3.8 RemoveSubcircuit
Command structure of RemoveSubcircuit.
RemoveSubcircuit allows you to remove individual subcircuit definitions from the global subcircuit database or to clear the database completely. RemoveSubcircuit returns the list of the names and selectors of the remaining subcircuit definitions.
See also: GlobalSubcircuits, RemoveModelParameters.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Load two model definitions from the model library and store them in the global subcircuit database.
In[2]:= Circuit[ LoadModel["Diode", "Transient", Scope -> Global], LoadModel["JFET", "AC", Scope -> Global] ] // ExpandSubcircuits;
List the contents of the global subcircuit database.
In[3]:= GlobalSubcircuits[]
Removing the model definition automatically clears all alias names for the model. Thus, if you remove the model "JFET/AC", the aliases "JFET/SpiceAC", "JFET/Noise" etc. will be deleted as well.
Remove the subcircuit definition "JFET/AC".
In[4]:= RemoveSubcircuit["JFET", "AC"]
Delete all remaining subcircuit definitions.
In[5]:= RemoveSubcircuit[All]