3.6.4 RenameNodes
Command structure of RenameNodes.
Given a Netlist or Circuit object, RenameNodes changes node names in the top-level netlist and returns the new Netlist or Circuit object, respectively. The replacements repl are given as a single rule, a sequence of rules, or as a list of replacement rules of the form oldnodename -> newnodename. The node names can be given as symbols or as strings.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Define a simple voltage divider.
In[2]:= net = Netlist[ {V0, {1, 0}, V0}, {R1, {1, 2}, R1}, {R2, {2, 0}, R2} ]
Show variable names.
In[3]:= GetVariables[CircuitEquations[net]]
The variable of interest - the voltage at node 2 - is called V$2. To mark this variable as the output variable we rename node 2 to OUT. Then the output variable is called V$OUT.
Rename node 2 to OUT.
In[4]:= net2 = RenameNodes[net, {2 -> OUT}]
Display netlist.
In[5]:= DisplayForm[net2]
Show variable names. Now the variable of interest is called V$OUT.
In[6]:= GetVariables[CircuitEquations[net2]]