3.6.17 Statistics
Command structure of Statistics.
The command Statistics can be used to display both type and number of the netlist elements in a circuit or a netlist. Additionally, you can obtain detailed information concerning the complexity of a DAEObject.
Statistics[circuit] and Statistics[netlist] provide the following information:

Statistics[dae] for DC and Transient DAEObjects provides the following information:

Statistics[dae] for AC DAEObjects provides the following information:

Statistics has the following options:
Options for Statistics.
TimeConstraint specifies the number of seconds after which the computation of the complexity estimate for an AC DAEObject is aborted. The option value may be any positive numeric value or Infinity. The default setting is TimeConstraint -> 10.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Define netlist.
In[2]:= cir = Circuit[ Netlist[ {V0, {1, 0}, Symbolic -> V0, Value -> 2. Sin[10^6 Time]}, {R1, {2, 0}, Symbolic -> R1, Value -> 100.}, {C1, {2, 0}, Symbolic -> C1, Value -> 1.*^-7}, {D1, {1 -> A, 2 -> C}, Model -> "Diode", Selector -> "Spice"} ] ]
Display netlist information using Statistics.
In[3]:= Statistics[cir]

Set up DAE system.
In[4]:= dae = CircuitEquations[cir, AnalysisMode -> Transient]; dae // DisplayForm
Display complexity information using Statistics.
In[5]:= Statistics[dae]
