Box 2D/3D• Box[bnum, {lpnt1, lpnt2}] generates a box with two opposing corners located at local points lpnt1 and lpnt2, on body bnum. The sides of the box are aligned with the local axes of body bnum. • Box returns a list of Mathematica graphics primitives that are functions of mechanism location variables. • In Modeler2D, the Box function is analogous to Rectangle. • In Modeler3D, the Box function is analogous to Cuboid. • The Faces option can be given to determine whether to draw the box with filled polygons or as a wire frame. The default setting is Faces->True. • See also: Bar, Facet, Wheel. Further Examples Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model. Box is used to draw several boxes on the crank body. The absolute location of all the graphics depends on the rules returned by SolveMech.
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Change to the Modeler3D package and define a simple model. Box is used to draw several 3D cuboids on the crank body.
Out[4]= |  |
See HelpModel2D, HelpModel3D.