Cylinder 3D• Cylinder[axis, rad, facets] generates a cylinder of radius rad spanning the length of axis, with the specified number of facets. • Cylinder[axis, rad1, rad2, facets] generates a conical or tapered cylinder with radius rad1 at the origin of axis, and a radius of rad2 at the end. • Cylinder returns a list of Mathematica graphics primitives that are functions of mechanism location variables. • Either or both radii may be replaced with a list {rx, ry} to produce a cylinder with an elliptical cross section. • The following options can be given:
• A value of 4 for facets yields a square bar, across the flats. • The Angle option allows a length-wise slice of the entire revolved bar to be drawn. • See also: Revolve, Sphere, Wheel. Further Examples Load the Modeler3D package and define a simple model. Cylinder is used to draw several 3D bars on the crank body.
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See HelpModel3D.