EulerInverse 2D/3D• EulerInverse[epars] returns a list of two (2D) or four (3D) Euler parameters corresponding to the inverse of the rotation represented by epars. The function of EulerInverse is analogous to the inversion of a rotation matrix. • EulerInverse simply negates all terms but the first in the list of Euler parameters. • See also: EulerMultiply, EulerParameters. Further Examples Load the Modeler3D package. Here are a pair of arbitrary rotations about arbitrary axes. They can be converted to Euler parameters or rotation matrices and multiplied, and then converted back to rotations with the same result.
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However, multiplying Euler parameters is computationally inexpensive.
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The inversion of a rotation matrix (which is equivalent to transposing the matrix) is analogous to negating all but the first Euler parameter.
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