Involute 2D• Involute[sym, {x, y}, baseradius, pitchradius, angle] returns the equation of an involute gear tooth as a function of the parameter sym. The involute has a base circle of baseradius centered at {x, y}. • The involute profile is rotationally located such that the point where the profile intersects the pitch circle lies on a ray that passes through {x, y} in the direction of the specified angle. • If pitchradius is negative then the profile spirals in the clockwise direction, otherwise it spirals in the counterclockwise direction. • The involute locus travels from the base circle to the pitch circle, as sym goes from 0 to . • Involute accepts the Interference option. • With the Interference option the locus travels from the base circle to the center of the gear as sym goes from 0 to -1. • See also: CamToCam1.