LeadScrew5 3D• LeadScrew5[cnum, axis1, {alpha, guess}, axis2, pitch, C] models a lead screw. axis1 is constrained to be parallel and coincident with axis2, and the axial translation of the two axes is controlled per the pitch and relative rotation of the two parts of the screw. • The relative angular orientation of the two parts is determined by the angle between the reference directions of axis1 and axis2. • LeadScrew5 constrains five degrees of freedom. • The symbol alpha tracks the spin of axis1, relative to axis2. • The constant C is the distance from the origin of axis2 to the origin of axis1 when the relative rotation between the two parts of the screw is zero. • LeadScrew5 generates six constraint equations and introduces one new variable, hence constraining five degrees of freedom. • The first two equations in LeadScrew5 constrain the origin of axis2 to lie on axis1, the next two equations constrain the two axes to be parallel, the fifth equation relates the axial displacement of the screw to the rotational displacement, and the sixth relates the value of the variable alpha to the rotational displacement. • See also: Cylindrical4, ParallelGears5, SetConstraints, SysCon.