SolveSensitivity 2D/3D• SolveSensitivity[senssys, options] finds the solution to the SensitivitySystem object built by SetSensitivity. • SolveSensitivity returns a list of rules representing the solution. • The solution returned by SolveSensitivity is apparently identical to the velocity solution returned by SolveMech[ ... , Solution->Velocity], but the values do not represent derivatives with respect to time, they represent derivatives with respect to the symbols supplied to SetSensitivity. • See also: SolveFree. Further Examples Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model. Here we rebuild the RelativeDistance1 constraint in the help model so that the distance between the link end and the ground pivot is parameterized by the new variable endDistance. This constraint is identical to the original constraint with the addition of endDistance in place of the constant 4.0.
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Now we build a SensitivitySystem object that can be used to find the sensitivity of the system configuration to changes in the value of endDistance.
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Here we solve the SensitivitySystem object to find the sensitivity to changes in endDistance and the configuration of the entire model. The sensitivity values are returned as if they are velocity coordinates.
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The sensitivity can be thought of as the velocity of each body if the normal dependency on time T is removed and replaced with a new dependency where the value of endDistance is changing at a rate of one unit per second. Thus, the sensitivity of any particular dimension in the model can be inspected as if it were the rate of change of the dimension with respect to time. Here is the sensitivity of the slider origin location with respect to changes in endDistance.
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See HelpModel2D.