SymbolBasis 2D/3D• SymbolBasis is an option for SetSymbols that is given as a nested list of strings that specifies the basis for the symbol names that will be generated and included in all models. • In Modeler2D the default setting is SymbolBasis->{"T", {"X", "Y"}, {"Ei", "Ej"}, " ", " ", "d"}. • In Modeler3D the default setting is SymbolBasis->{"T", {"X", "Y", "Z"}, {"Eo", "Ei", "Ej", "Ek"}, {" x", " y", " z"}, " ", "d"}. • The last element in the SymbolBasis list "d" is the postfix applied to symbol names to imply a time derivative. • See also: SetSymbols. Further Examples Load the Modeler3D package and define a simple model. SymbolBasis is used here to change all the basis strings for symbols that represent model variables. Now all the symbol names generated by Mech use the new basis.
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See HelpModel3D.