Tangent 2D• Tangent[point1, rad1, point2, rad2] generates a pair of lines tangent to two implied circles. • If a circle of radius rad1 is centered at point1, and another of radius rad2 is centered at point2, then Tangent generates two lines tangent to both circles representing a belt or chain between two pulleys. • Tangent returns a list of two Mathematica Line objects, so if only one of the two tangent lines is desired, one of the two parts of the list may be extracted. • The list of Mathematica graphics primitives returned are functions of mechanism location variables. • See also: Edge, Wheel. Further Examples Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model. Here we add a new group of graphics to the help model that uses Edge to draw several lines. The absolute location of the new graphics depends on the rules passed to ShowHelpModel.
Out[4]= |  |
See HelpModel2D.