5.2.3 Finding Switch TimesThe Mech FindSwitchTime function is used to seek the time at which two adjacent constraints in a TimeSwitch are simultaneously valid, that is, to numerically find the correct switch time. A function for seeking stage transition times. FindSwitchTime works by adding one degree of freedom to the model (T becomes a dependent variable) and adding one extra constraint by using the pair of adjacent constraints simultaneously. FindSwitchTime uses the same solution block as SolveMech so it uses the most recent solution returned by SolveMech (LastSolve[]) for its initial guess. FindSwitchTime accepts two options to deal with special situations that may arise in a pair of adjacent constraints, TangentConstraint and RequiredEquations. Options for FindSwitchTime. To understand the need for the RequiredEquations option, imagine a two degree of freedom TimeSwitch. If both sides of the adjacent two degree of freedom constraint pair are used simultaneously, two extra constraints are added to the model, but only one degree of freedom (time) is added. This results in an overconstrained model to which no solution can be found. The default setting RequiredEquations -> {All, Sum} deals with this problem in a general but unsophisticated manner. All of the constraint equations from the first side of the TimeSwitch pair are used, as well as a single equation formed from the sum of all the equations from the second side, resulting in the required one extra constraint equation. This combination of constraints is valid if all of the equations in the second side of the constraint pair except one are redundant with respect to the equations in the first side. Thus the redundant equations in the sum are satisfied because of the first side of the constraint pair, and the one nonredundant equation is satisfied by the satisfying the sum. However, if there is no redundancy in the pair this will not work, and the solution will fail. If the default setting fails, the user must explicitly specify which equations to use to seek the switch time. For example, take the following TimeSwitch example that was given in the beginning of this section. Here is a TimeSwitch example. To seek the correct value of the switch time, which is currently set to 3.5, the following FindSwitchTime example could be used with all of the default option settings. Note that the TimeSwitch constraint is constraint number 3. Here is a command to find the correct value of the switch time. The default setting for RequiredEquations works fine in this case because the first constraint equation in the second side of the TimeSwitch constraint (PointOnLine1) is redundant with the first side of the TimeSwitch constraint (Revolute2), because PointOnLine1 must be satisfied for Revolute2 to be satisfied. The following example shows a setting for RequiredEquations that explicitly specifies which equations to use. This setting would cause only the RelativeY1 constraint to be used from the second side of the TimeSwitch constraint. Here is a setting of the RequiredEquations option. When the RequiredEquations option is used with a TimeSwitch that contains multiple degree of freedom constraint functions, such as Revolute2 (2D) or Cylindrical4 (3D), it is necessary to know exactly what each of the 2, 3, 4, or 5 equations in the constraint are doing, so that you can know which ones need to be specified with the RequiredEquations option. To find out "which equation does what", see the notes on the particular constraint function in the appendix. Detent Mechanism ExampleIn the detent mechanism example in Section 5.2.2, the values given for the switch times that were assigned variable names (tm2 = - 0.8, tm3 = - 0.4, etc.) were merely guesses. FindSwitchTime is used to find the correct values of the switch times. The first and sixth switch times were set to values of - 1 and 1, respectively, which are exact values evident from the geometry of the detenter and notch. The value of the second switch time must be found with FindSwitchTime. This is the time at which the detenter stops traveling around the sharp corner on the upper-right side of the detent notch and passes onto the inclined right side of the notch. These two adjacent constraints come into conjunction tangentially because there is no velocity discontinuity as the detenter passes onto the inclined flat side of the detent notch. Thus, FindSwitchTime must actually search for the point of tangency. This requires that the option TangentConstraint -> True be specified. Before FindSwitchTime is invoked, SolveMech is used to move the mechanism close to the correct position to provide better initial guesses. This finds switch time 2 in constraint 4.
Out[27]= |  |
This sets the value of tm2.
Out[28]= |  |
Here is the detent mechanism at the tangency point associated with tm2.
The third switch point occurs when the detenter passes from the inclined right side of the detent notch onto the round bottom of the notch. This is also a tangent constraint pair, so TangentConstraint -> True is used again. This finds and sets switch time 3 in constraint 4.
Out[29]= |  |
Here is the detent mechanism at the tangency point associated with tm3.
Because of symmetry, the values of tm4 and tm5 are known to be the negatives of tm3 and tm2, respectively. With all of the switch times set to valid values, the detent mechanism model can be run at any value of time. Set the last two switch times.