10.2.2 Finding Equilibrium VelocityTo find the equilibrium velocity of a mechanism, a FreeSystem object is built that contains a new set of equations of motion with one or more constraints removed from the model. Velocity equilibrium. The driving constraint is dropped from the slider-crank model to give the model one degree of freedom. This drops the constraint that controls rotation of the crank. This solves the FreeSystem object. Note that the angular velocity of the crank 2d is less than the driven angular velocity of 2 pi.
Out[10]= | ![](/applications/mechsystems/UnderconstrainedSystems/EquilibriumVelocity/HTMLImages/Mech.10.2.2.en/Mech.10.2.2.en_3.gif) |
To find the equilibrium velocity at a sequence of positions through a full cycle of the mechanism, the InitialCondition option is used to pass SolveFree a new set of initial conditions at each position where the equilibrium velocity is to be found. Thus, it is not necessary to create a new FreeSystem object for each solution point. An option for SetFree and SolveFree. This generates a list of 20 rules to be used as initial conditions for the equilibrium velocity solution. This solves the FreeSystem object at each initial condition in postab. Here is a plot of the equilibrium velocity of the crank through a full cycle of the mechanism.
Out[14]= | ![](/applications/mechsystems/UnderconstrainedSystems/EquilibriumVelocity/HTMLImages/Mech.10.2.2.en/Mech.10.2.2.en_8.gif) |