MLNewParameters (C Function)
MLNewParameters has been replaced by WSNewParameters.
MLEnvironmentParameter MLNewParameters(unsigned long rev,unsigned long apirev)
allocates and initializes a MLEnvironmentParameter object and sets the MathLink revision number to the value specified by rev, and the MathLink API revision number to the value specified by apirev.

- The MathLink revision number and the MathLink API revision number should be set to the constants MLREVISION and MLAPIREVISION from mathlink.h.
- MLNewParameters() allocates memory for the MLEnvironmentParameter object that must be released. Call MLReleaseParameters() to release the memory allocated by MLNewParameters().
- MLNewParameters() returns NULL if an error occurs.
- MLNewParameters() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mathlink.h"
/* initialize the MathLink environment */
MLENV f(void)
MLENV env;
MLEnvironmentParameter p;
unsigned long res;
if(p == (MLEnvironmentParameter)0)
{ /* Unable to initialize parameter object */ }
MLSetAllocParameter(p, malloc, free);
env = MLInitialize(p);
if(env == (MLENV)0)
{ /* Unable to initialize the MathLink environment */ }
return env;