MLTestString (C 函数)
MLTestString 已经被 WSTestString 所取代.
int MLTestString(MLINK l, const char *s)
tests that the next expression to be read from l is a string with the value s.

- MLTestString() fails if the current object on the link is not a string, or if the value of the string does not match s.
- MLTestString() returns 0 in the event of an error, and a nonzero value if the function succeeds.
- Use MLError() to retrieve the error code if MLTestString() fails.
- MLTestString() will reset the stream pointer to the expression on the link just prior to calling MLTestString()if the function fails. This operation behaves as if the programmer called MLCreateMark(link); MLTestString(…); MLSeekToMark(…).
- MLTestString() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.
基本范例 (1)
#include "mathlink.h"
/* A function for testing the next expression on the link for a string */
void f(MLINK l)
if(! MLTestString(l, "$Version"))
{ /* The next expression on the link is not $Version */ }
{ /* The next expression on the link is $Version */ }