MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount (C Function)
MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount has been replaced by WSTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount.
int MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount(MLINK l, const unsigned char *s, int v, int *n)
tests that the next object to be read from the MathLink connection specified by l is an expression with head s, an UTF-8 encoded character string of length v, and that the number of arguments of the expression is n.

- MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() fails if the current expression on the link is not a function with a symbol as a head, if the name of the symbol does not match s, or if the number of arguments for the function is not n.
- MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() stores the actual number of arguments to the function in n when the function returns.
- MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() returns 0 in the event of an error, and a nonzero value if the function succeeds.
- Use MLError() to retrieve the error code if MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() fails.
- MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() will reset the stream pointer to the expression on the link just prior to calling MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() if the function fails. This operation behaves as if the programmer has called MLCreateMark(l); MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount(...); MLSeekToMark(...).
- MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "mathlink.h"
/* A function to test whether the next expression on the Link is Plus[a,b] */
void f(MLINK l)
unsigned char symbol[4];
int args = 2;
const char *symbol;
symbol[0] = 'P';
symbol[1] = 'l';
symbol[2] = 'u';
symbol[3] = 's';
if(! MLTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount(l, (const unsigned char *)symbol, 4, &args))
{ /* Next expression is not Plus, or does not have two args */ }
if(! MLGetSymbol(l, &symbol))
{ /* Unable to read symbol */ }
/* Check if symbol is 'a' */
MLReleaseSymbol(l, symbol);
if(! MLGetSymbol(l, &symbol))
{ /* Unable to read symbol */ }
/* Check if the symbol is 'b' */
MLReleaseSymbol(l, symbol);