As of Version 10.0, calendar functionality is built into the Wolfram Language »
represents the Julian calendar system.
- To use Julian, you first need to load the Calendar Package using Needs["Calendar`"].
- Julian is a value for the Calendar option, and can be used as an argument to CalendarChange.
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Between 1582 and 1752, Catholic countries used the Gregorian calendar, while Britain and her colonies used the Julian calendar. To convert British and Catholic dates occurring between 1582 and 1752, it is necessary to change calendars from Julian to Gregorian.
George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. In France, the date was:
Voltaire was born on November 21, 1694. In Great Britain the date was:
The Russian Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar. This finds the Western (Gregorian) date of Greek Orthodox Christmas 2000: