.NET/Link API Version 1.7 USE FRAMES

ConsoleWindow Members

ConsoleWindow overview

Public Static (Shared) Properties

Instance Gets the singleton instance of the ConsoleWindow class.
MaxLines Gets or sets the maximum number of lines to display in the window.
StreamsToCapture Gets or sets the streams whose output should be displayed in the window.

Public Static (Shared) Methods

Clear Clears the window contents. All stored lines are deleted.

Public Instance Properties

AcceptButton (inherited from Form) 
AccessibilityObject (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleDescription (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleName (inherited from Control) 
AccessibleRole (inherited from Control) 
ActiveControl (inherited from ContainerControl) 
ActiveMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
AllowDrop (inherited from Control) 
AllowTransparency (inherited from Form) 
Anchor (inherited from Control) 
AutoScale (inherited from Form)Obsolete.  
AutoScaleBaseSize (inherited from Form) 
AutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl) 
AutoScaleMode (inherited from ContainerControl) 
AutoScroll (inherited from Form) 
AutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoScrollMinSize (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoScrollOffset (inherited from Control) 
AutoScrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
AutoSize (inherited from Form) 
AutoSizeMode (inherited from Form) 
AutoValidate (inherited from Form) 
BackColor (inherited from Form) 
BackgroundImage (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageLayout (inherited from Control) 
BindingContext (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Bottom (inherited from Control) 
Bounds (inherited from Control) 
CancelButton (inherited from Form) 
CanFocus (inherited from Control) 
CanSelect (inherited from Control) 
Capture (inherited from Control) 
CausesValidation (inherited from Control) 
ClientRectangle (inherited from Control) 
ClientSize (inherited from Form) 
CompanyName (inherited from Control) 
Container (inherited from Component) 
ContainsFocus (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenu (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenuStrip (inherited from Control) 
ControlBox (inherited from Form) 
Controls (inherited from Control) 
Created (inherited from Control) 
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl) 
Cursor (inherited from Control) 
DataBindings (inherited from Control) 
DesktopBounds (inherited from Form) 
DesktopLocation (inherited from Form) 
DeviceDpi (inherited from Control) 
DialogResult (inherited from Form) 
DisplayRectangle (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Disposing (inherited from Control) 
Dock (inherited from Control) 
DockPadding (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Enabled (inherited from Control) 
Focused (inherited from Control) 
Font (inherited from Control) 
ForeColor (inherited from Control) 
FormBorderStyle (inherited from Form) 
Handle (inherited from Control) 
HasChildren (inherited from Control) 
Height (inherited from Control) 
HelpButton (inherited from Form) 
HorizontalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Icon (inherited from Form) 
ImeMode (inherited from Control) 
InvokeRequired (inherited from Control) 
IsAccessible (inherited from Control) 
IsDisposed (inherited from Control) 
IsHandleCreated (inherited from Control) 
IsMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
IsMdiContainer (inherited from Form) 
IsMirrored (inherited from Control) 
IsRestrictedWindow (inherited from Form) 
KeyPreview (inherited from Form) 
LayoutEngine (inherited from Control) 
Left (inherited from Control) 
Location (inherited from Form) 
MainMenuStrip (inherited from Form) 
Margin (inherited from Form) 
MaximizeBox (inherited from Form) 
MaximumSize (inherited from Form) 
MdiChildren (inherited from Form) 
MdiParent (inherited from Form) 
Menu (inherited from Form) 
MergedMenu (inherited from Form) 
MinimizeBox (inherited from Form) 
MinimumSize (inherited from Form) 
Modal (inherited from Form) 
Name (inherited from Control) 
Opacity (inherited from Form) 
OwnedForms (inherited from Form) 
Owner (inherited from Form) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from Control) 
ParentForm (inherited from ContainerControl) 
PreferredSize (inherited from Control) 
ProductName (inherited from Control) 
ProductVersion (inherited from Control) 
RecreatingHandle (inherited from Control) 
Region (inherited from Control) 
RestoreBounds (inherited from Form) 
Right (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeftLayout (inherited from Form) 
ShowIcon (inherited from Form) 
ShowInTaskbar (inherited from Form) 
Site (inherited from Control) 
Size (inherited from Form) 
SizeGripStyle (inherited from Form) 
StartPosition (inherited from Form) 
TabIndex (inherited from Form) 
TabStop (inherited from Form) 
Tag (inherited from Control) 
Text (inherited from Form) 
Top (inherited from Control) 
TopLevel (inherited from Form) 
TopLevelControl (inherited from Control) 
TopMost (inherited from Form) 
TransparencyKey (inherited from Form) 
UseWaitCursor (inherited from Control) 
VerticalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Visible (inherited from Control) 
Width (inherited from Control) 
WindowState (inherited from Form) 
WindowTarget (inherited from Control) 

Public Instance Methods

Activate (inherited from Form) 
AddOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
BeginInvoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
BringToFront (inherited from Control) 
Close (inherited from Form) 
Contains (inherited from Control) 
CreateControl (inherited from Control) 
CreateGraphics (inherited from Control) 
CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Dispose (inherited from Component)Overloaded.  
DoDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
DrawToBitmap (inherited from Control) 
EndInvoke (inherited from Control) 
Equals (inherited from Object) 
FindForm (inherited from Control) 
Focus (inherited from Control) 
GetChildAtPoint (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
GetContainerControl (inherited from Control) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
GetNextControl (inherited from Control) 
GetPreferredSize (inherited from Control) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Hide (inherited from Control) 
InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) 
Invalidate (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Invoke (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
LayoutMdi (inherited from Form) 
LogicalToDeviceUnits (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PerformAutoScale (inherited from ContainerControl) 
PerformLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
PointToClient (inherited from Control) 
PointToScreen (inherited from Control) 
PreProcessControlMessage (inherited from Control) 
PreProcessMessage (inherited from Control) 
RectangleToClient (inherited from Control) 
RectangleToScreen (inherited from Control) 
Refresh (inherited from Control) 
RemoveOwnedForm (inherited from Form) 
ResetBackColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetBindings (inherited from Control) 
ResetCursor (inherited from Control) 
ResetFont (inherited from Control) 
ResetForeColor (inherited from Control) 
ResetImeMode (inherited from Control) 
ResetRightToLeft (inherited from Control) 
ResetText (inherited from Control) 
ResumeLayout (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
Scale (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ScaleBitmapLogicalToDevice (inherited from Control) 
ScrollControlIntoView (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SelectNextControl (inherited from Control) 
SendToBack (inherited from Control) 
SetAutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
SetDesktopBounds (inherited from Form) 
SetDesktopLocation (inherited from Form) 
Show (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
Show (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ShowDialog (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SuspendLayout (inherited from Control) 
ToString (inherited from Form) 
Update (inherited from Control) 
Validate (inherited from ContainerControl)Overloaded.  
ValidateChildren (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  

Public Instance Events

Activated (inherited from Form) 
AutoSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
AutoValidateChanged (inherited from Form) 
BackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control) 
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Control) 
BindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
CausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control) 
ChangeUICues (inherited from Control) 
Click (inherited from Control) 
ClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
Closed (inherited from Form) 
Closing (inherited from Form) 
ContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control) 
ContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control) 
ControlAdded (inherited from Control) 
ControlRemoved (inherited from Control) 
CursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
Deactivate (inherited from Form) 
Disposed (inherited from Component) 
DockChanged (inherited from Control) 
DoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
DpiChanged (inherited from Form) 
DpiChangedAfterParent (inherited from Control) 
DpiChangedBeforeParent (inherited from Control) 
DragDrop (inherited from Control) 
DragEnter (inherited from Control) 
DragLeave (inherited from Control) 
DragOver (inherited from Control) 
EnabledChanged (inherited from Control) 
Enter (inherited from Control) 
FontChanged (inherited from Control) 
ForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
FormClosed (inherited from Form) 
FormClosing (inherited from Form) 
GiveFeedback (inherited from Control) 
GotFocus (inherited from Control) 
HandleCreated (inherited from Control) 
HandleDestroyed (inherited from Control) 
HelpButtonClicked (inherited from Form) 
HelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
ImeModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
InputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
InputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
Invalidated (inherited from Control) 
KeyDown (inherited from Control) 
KeyPress (inherited from Control) 
KeyUp (inherited from Control) 
Layout (inherited from Control) 
Leave (inherited from Control) 
Load (inherited from Form) 
LocationChanged (inherited from Control) 
LostFocus (inherited from Control) 
MarginChanged (inherited from Form) 
MaximizedBoundsChanged (inherited from Form) 
MaximumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
MdiChildActivate (inherited from Form) 
MenuComplete (inherited from Form) 
MenuStart (inherited from Form) 
MinimumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
MouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control) 
MouseClick (inherited from Control) 
MouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
MouseDown (inherited from Control) 
MouseEnter (inherited from Control) 
MouseHover (inherited from Control) 
MouseLeave (inherited from Control) 
MouseMove (inherited from Control) 
MouseUp (inherited from Control) 
MouseWheel (inherited from Control) 
Move (inherited from Control) 
PaddingChanged (inherited from Control) 
Paint (inherited from Control) 
ParentChanged (inherited from Control) 
PreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
QueryAccessibilityHelp (inherited from Control) 
QueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
RegionChanged (inherited from Control) 
Resize (inherited from Control) 
ResizeBegin (inherited from Form) 
ResizeEnd (inherited from Form) 
RightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeftLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
Scroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Shown (inherited from Form) 
SizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
StyleChanged (inherited from Control) 
SystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control) 
TabIndexChanged (inherited from Form) 
TabStopChanged (inherited from Form) 
TextChanged (inherited from Control) 
Validated (inherited from Control) 
Validating (inherited from Control) 
VisibleChanged (inherited from Control) 

Protected Instance Properties

AutoScaleFactor (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CanEnableIme (inherited from ContainerControl) 
CanRaiseEvents (inherited from Control) 
CreateParams (inherited from Form) 
DefaultCursor (inherited from Control) 
DefaultImeMode (inherited from Form) 
DefaultMargin (inherited from Control) 
DefaultMaximumSize (inherited from Control) 
DefaultMinimumSize (inherited from Control) 
DefaultPadding (inherited from Control) 
DefaultSize (inherited from Form) 
DesignMode (inherited from Component) 
DoubleBuffered (inherited from Control) 
Events (inherited from Component) 
FontHeight (inherited from Control) 
HScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
ImeModeBase (inherited from Control) 
MaximizedBounds (inherited from Form) 
ResizeRedraw (inherited from Control) 
ScaleChildren (inherited from Control) 
ShowWithoutActivation (inherited from Form) 
VScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 

Protected Instance Methods

AccessibilityNotifyClients (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ActivateMdiChild (inherited from Form) 
AdjustFormScrollbars (inherited from Form) 
ApplyAutoScaling (inherited from Form)Obsolete.  
CenterToParent (inherited from Form) 
CenterToScreen (inherited from Form) 
CreateAccessibilityInstance (inherited from Control) 
CreateControlsInstance (inherited from Form) 
CreateHandle (inherited from Form) 
DefWndProc (inherited from Form) 
DestroyHandle (inherited from Control) 
DisposeOverloaded. Clean up any resources being used.
Finalize (inherited from Component) 
GetAccessibilityObjectById (inherited from Control) 
GetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
GetScaledBounds (inherited from Form) 
GetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
GetService (inherited from Component) 
GetStyle (inherited from Control) 
GetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
InitLayout (inherited from Control) 
InvokeGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
InvokeOnClick (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaint (inherited from Control) 
InvokePaintBackground (inherited from Control) 
IsInputChar (inherited from Control) 
IsInputKey (inherited from Control) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)Overloaded.  
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Overloaded.  
NotifyInvalidate (inherited from Control) 
OnActivated (inherited from Form) 
OnAutoSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnAutoValidateChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnCausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnChangeUICues (inherited from Control) 
OnClick (inherited from Control) 
OnClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnControlAdded (inherited from Control) 
OnControlRemoved (inherited from Control) 
OnCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDeactivate (inherited from Form) 
OnDockChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnDpiChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnDpiChangedAfterParent (inherited from Control) 
OnDpiChangedBeforeParent (inherited from Control) 
OnDragDrop (inherited from Control) 
OnDragEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnDragLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnDragOver (inherited from Control) 
OnEnabledChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnEnter (inherited from Form) 
OnFontChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnFormClosed (inherited from Form) 
OnFormClosing (inherited from Form) 
OnGetDpiScaledSize (inherited from Form) 
OnGiveFeedback (inherited from Control) 
OnGotFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnHandleCreated (inherited from Form) 
OnHandleDestroyed (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpButtonClicked (inherited from Form) 
OnHelpRequested (inherited from Control) 
OnImeModeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnInputLanguageChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnInputLanguageChanging (inherited from Form) 
OnInvalidated (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyPress (inherited from Control) 
OnKeyUp (inherited from Control) 
OnLayout (inherited from Form) 
OnLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnLoad (inherited from Form) 
OnLocationChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnLostFocus (inherited from Control) 
OnMarginChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMaximizedBoundsChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMaximumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMdiChildActivate (inherited from Form) 
OnMenuComplete (inherited from Form) 
OnMenuStart (inherited from Form) 
OnMinimumSizeChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnMouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDown (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseEnter (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseHover (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseLeave (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseMove (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseUp (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseWheel (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnMove (inherited from Control) 
OnNotifyMessage (inherited from Control) 
OnPaddingChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnPaint (inherited from Form) 
OnPaintBackground (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnParentBackColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentBindingContextChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentChanged (inherited from ContainerControl) 
OnParentCursorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentEnabledChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentFontChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentForeColorChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentRightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnParentVisibleChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnPreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control) 
OnPrint (inherited from Control) 
OnQueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control) 
OnRegionChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnResize (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeBegin (inherited from Form) 
OnResizeEnd (inherited from Form) 
OnRightToLeftChanged (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
OnShown (inherited from Form) 
OnSizeChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnStyleChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnSystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabIndexChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTabStopChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTextChanged (inherited from Form) 
OnValidated (inherited from Control) 
OnValidating (inherited from Control) 
OnVisibleChanged (inherited from Form) 
ProcessCmdKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogChar (inherited from Form) 
ProcessDialogKey (inherited from Form) 
ProcessKeyEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
ProcessKeyPreview (inherited from Form) 
ProcessTabKey (inherited from Form) 
RaiseDragEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseKeyEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaiseMouseEvent (inherited from Control) 
RaisePaintEvent (inherited from Control) 
RecreateHandle (inherited from Control) 
RescaleConstantsForDpi (inherited from Control) 
ResetMouseEventArgs (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateAlignment (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
RtlTranslateHorizontal (inherited from Control) 
RtlTranslateLeftRight (inherited from Control) 
ScaleControl (inherited from Form) 
ScaleCore (inherited from Form) 
ScrollToControl (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
Select (inherited from Form)Overloaded.  
SetAutoSizeMode (inherited from Control) 
SetBoundsCore (inherited from Form) 
SetClientSizeCore (inherited from Form) 
SetDisplayRectLocation (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetScrollState (inherited from ScrollableControl) 
SetStyle (inherited from Control) 
SetTopLevel (inherited from Control) 
SetVisibleCore (inherited from Form) 
SizeFromClientSize (inherited from Control) 
UpdateBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
UpdateDefaultButton (inherited from Form) 
UpdateStyles (inherited from Control) 
UpdateZOrder (inherited from Control) 
WndProc (inherited from Form) 

Protected Internal Instance Properties

RenderRightToLeft (inherited from Control)Obsolete.  
ShowFocusCues (inherited from Control) 
ShowKeyboardCues (inherited from Control) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

AccessibilityNotifyClients (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  
ProcessKeyMessage (inherited from Control) 
ProcessMnemonic (inherited from Form) 
RtlTranslateContent (inherited from Control) 
UpdateBounds (inherited from Control)Overloaded.  

See Also

ConsoleWindow Class | Wolfram.NETLink.UI Namespace