returns all extensions declared by paclet.
PacletExtensions[paclet, type]
returns all extensions declared by paclet that match type.
Details and Options
- paclet must be a file path to a paclet directory in the local file system, or a PacletObject.
- PacletExtensions can be used to check which paclet extensions are active for a particular system configuration.
- PacletExtensions processes the PacletObject[..]["Extensions"] value.
- PacletExtensions returns extensions in the form {name, <| options |>}, which differs from how they are typically declared in a PacletInfo.wl file.
- PacletExtensions has the following options:
"SystemID" $SystemID System ID compatibility used to filter extensions Language All Language used to filter extensions - The "SystemID" and Language options are used to filter the extensions declared by the paclet before they are returned from PacletExtensions.
- The "SystemID" option expects values that are valid $SystemID values.
open allclose allBasic Examples (3)
Scope (1)
Filtering Extensions (1)
Use PacletExtensions to filter for extensions that are active on x86-64 Macintosh computers:
Options (5)
"SystemID" (4)
The "SystemID" option to PacletExtensions is used to filter extensions based on the "SystemID" option, which can be set on individual paclet extensions.
Use the "SystemID" option to filter for extensions that are active on x86-64 Macintosh computers:
If no extensions satisfy the filter, an empty list is returned:
If an extension does not have a "SystemID" option, it is active on all systems, and will be included in the output of PacletExtensions (unless filtered via a different option):
The "SystemID" extension option can be used on all paclet extension types:
Language (1)
The Language option to PacletExtensions is used to filter extensions based on the Language option, which can be set on individual paclet extensions.
Wolfram Research (2021), PacletExtensions, Wolfram Language function,
Wolfram Language. 2021. "PacletExtensions." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research.
Wolfram Language. (2021). PacletExtensions. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from