This section includes reference material on SymbolicC functionality.
COperator | an operator expression |
CAssign | represent an assignment |
CStandardMathOperator | call a standard math operator |
CConditional | a conditional expression |
CStatement | a C statement |
CBlock | a block of C statements |
CProgram | an entire program |
Grouping constructs to hold entire statements.
CFor | a for loop |
CIf | an if statement |
CDo | a do while statement |
CWhile | a while statement |
CSwitch | a switch statement |
CDefault | a switch statement |
CStruct | a struct definition |
CUnion | a union definition |
CTypedef | a typedef statement |
CEnum | an enum definition |
CCast | a cast statement |
CPointerType | a pointer type |
CSizeOf | a sizeof expression |
CDeclare | declare the type of an object |
Execution flow control constructs.
CMember | access a member of a struct |
CPointerMember | access a member of a pointer to a struct |
CAddress | take the address of an object |
CDereference | dereference a pointer |
CArray | an array |
Address and dereference operators.
CComment | a comment |
CParentheses | parentheses |
CString | a string |
ToCCodeString | convert symbolic C to a string |
CInclude | include a header |
CDefine | define a macro |
CError | generate an error |
CLine | set the line number |
CPragma | extra information for the compiler |
CPreprocessorIf | conditional compile if |
CPreprocessorIfdef | conditional compile ifdef |
CPreprocessorIfndef | conditional compile ifndef |
CPreprocessorElse | conditional compile else |
CPreprocessorElif | conditional compile elif |
CPreprocessorEndif | conditional compile endif |
CUndef | undefine a macro |