Wolfram System Modeler Overview

As of Version 11.3, most of the functionality of the WSMLink package is being phased out in favor of experimentally introduced functionality in the Wolfram System. »

Models of dynamic systems are an important tool for understanding, design and analysis in many domains, including mechanical systems, electrical systems, information systems, industrial systems, life sciences, social sciences and many more. Furthermore, most real-world applications include multiple such domains in the same system, interacting dynamically over domain boundaries. The synergy of the Wolfram Language and Wolfram System Modeler provides powerful tools for simulation, analytics and creation of system models. The wide array of algorithms available in the Wolfram Language allows seamlessly switching between easy-to-use functions and building your own advanced custom workflows.

WSMExamples explore simulation-ready examples

Model Simulation »

WSMSimulate simulate a model

WSMParametricSimulate simulate for parameter variation, optimization, etc.

WSMParameterValues  ▪  WSMInitialValues  ▪  WSMInputFunctions  ▪  ...

Model Analytics »

WSMPlot plot simulation data

WSMModelData find detailed properties for models and components

WSMSimulationData  ▪  WSMLinearize  ▪  WSMModelReliability  ▪  ...

Model Creation »

WSMCreateModel create models from differential and algebraic equations

WSMCreateDataModel  ▪  WSMConnectComponents  ▪  ...

Connectivity »

"MO" Import Modelica models

WSMModelCenter start System Modeler modeling environment

WSMSimulationCenter start System Modeler simulation and analysis environment